BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL: An Easy Method That Works For All

Blood sugar in people without diabetes stays within a relatively narrow range. When insulin is made in sufficient amounts and the level is adjusted automatically by the body, the blood sugar does not go up much after eating or go down after exercise. The body is able to maintain a precise balance between the insulin that is needed and the insulin that is produced.

An analogy may help explain how the level of blood sugar is controlled. Think of the blood sugar level in your body like the level of water in a pond. Creeks that run into the pond add to the water level. So does rain falling directly on the pond. The water level goes down with evaporation on a hot sunny day. The level can also be lowered by letting water out through the gates in a dam at one end of the pond. Many factors determine the water level in our simple pond. The water level at any instant is determined by how much water flows in and how much flows out.

BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL: An Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All
BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL: An Incredibly Easy Method That Works For All

How Blood Sugar Control is affected in your body?

The blood sugar in your body is also affected by several factors. Sugar flows into your bloodstream when you eat. Sugar leaves the blood stream to be used in the muscles and other organs as fuel.

Sugar can also be released into the bloodstream from stores in the liver. At other times, sugar is absorbed from the bloodstream to be stored in the liver for later use. The actual level of blood sugar at any instant is a balance between sugar entering and leaving the bloodstream.

Which hormone is most important for blood sugar control?

Insulin is the single most important hormone that regulates the blood sugar level. Insulin helps the muscles and other organs use sugar as a fuel. The level of insulin and several other hormones determine whether the liver is releasing or absorbing sugar.

The goal of good diabetes control is to balance inflow with outflow to maintain a stable blood sugar level. People without diabetes automatically adjust their insulin levels to keep this balance no matter how much they eat or whether they exercise. This balance is not always easy for people with diabetes. Once you have diabetes, you must make decisions about what to eat, how hard to exercise and how much insulin to take. All these decisions will affect your blood sugar level. With careful study and practice, you can learn to make these decisions wisely.

If you want to get rid of insulin, you should start using natural Naspal Powder which is more powerful than insulin.

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